The term 'Chakra' translates to 'Wheel'. There are seven primary 'Wheels' or spiritual energy centers within the body. The Chakra System serves as the body's innate healing mechanism, affecting emotional equilibrium and physical well-being.
Each Chakra is associated with a distinct part of the body. When these seven wheels are in motion, they contribute to complete vitality and health.
The concept of Chakras originated in India around 1500 BC and is recognized for establishing pathways in the body that facilitate self-healing, spiritual tranquility, and enhanced physical performance.
The 7 Chakra points are
The first Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with the Earth element. Signs of a well-balanced first Chakra include feeling grounded, stable, trustworthy, and focused.
The second Chakra, associated with the lower abdomen, fertility, sexual organs, and kidneys, is vital for well-being. A harmonized Sacral Chakra manifests as emotional stability, creativity, and a robust libido.
TThe third Chakra, situated above the navel, governs self-esteem, self-confidence, and inner strength. When balanced, it fosters feelings of positivity, optimism, and motivation.
The fourth wheel acts as a bridge between the lower three and the upper three chakras. The heart chakra serves as the connection and central engine of all the chakras. When it is healthy, a person will lead with love, be non-judgmental, and have a quietened ego.
The fifth Chakra, located in the throat, governs speech and communication. A balanced Throat Chakra does not lead to excessive talking; instead, it ensures that the words spoken are clear, calm, and kind.
The sixth Chakra, known as the Third Eye, is located in the center of the forehead. This energy vortex is crucial for perception and inner vision, granting the ability to see beyond what the physical eye can perceive. If you are intuitive and can sense energy, your Third Eye is likely active.
The seventh and final wheel is located just above the crown of the head. It represents the connection to higher consciousness and intelligence. A well-balanced Crown Chakra is associated with psychic abilities, a strong sense of faith, and an understanding of the universe as a connected and infinite entity.