Having a superpower such as telepathy or psychic senses are super beneficial for spiritual growth, as you're able to access guidance from a higher power.
Psychic powers develop when the mind is clear There isn't a need to create robots or put microchips in our minds to have superpowers, they are a God given gift.
Everyone has a soul. A soul is a persons unique essence and pure character. Each life time our soul incarnates into its chosen body for life lessons and growth. The soul reincarnates on earth many times. Each time gaining more experience and wisdom, to eventually to rebirth and find inner peace and complete happiness.
Karma translates from Sanskrit meaning "Action" . In a basic terms karma is the energy and thoughts returned back to us. Karma carries from lifetime to life. Our soul carries the memories from our past lives. Each lifetime we are given opportunities to meet souls from our previous incarnation to clear up old debts and resolve issues or e
Karma translates from Sanskrit meaning "Action" . In a basic terms karma is the energy and thoughts returned back to us. Karma carries from lifetime to life. Our soul carries the memories from our past lives. Each lifetime we are given opportunities to meet souls from our previous incarnation to clear up old debts and resolve issues or emotional bonds. Once we have cleared our past karmic actions a life of limitless possibilities is readily available.
Since the start of history, humans have searched for a sense of purpose and divine guidance.
Religion has helped pave an understanding to the deeper questions and meaning of life. Whilst most religions tend to follow specific doctrine, spirituality is more of an individual practice to finding inner peace and awareness. Spiritually is infi
Since the start of history, humans have searched for a sense of purpose and divine guidance.
Religion has helped pave an understanding to the deeper questions and meaning of life. Whilst most religions tend to follow specific doctrine, spirituality is more of an individual practice to finding inner peace and awareness. Spiritually is infinite where as religious structures can be limiting. Finding our truth requires limitless curiosity and questing which spiritually encourages.
What is your interpretation of God? An energy, an intelligence, a force, love? Do you feel supported by a mysterious force and have faith that anything is possible? When you silence the mind and listen to your inner whispers there is a universal energy of love, always present.
Only you have the ability to know if God exist or not, lookin
What is your interpretation of God? An energy, an intelligence, a force, love? Do you feel supported by a mysterious force and have faith that anything is possible? When you silence the mind and listen to your inner whispers there is a universal energy of love, always present.
Only you have the ability to know if God exist or not, looking inside of yourself and being honestwill lead you to the answer.
Inner peace is the being in the state of self-acceptance and awareness.
Feeling calm allows our intuition to be freely accessible.
Creating peace is very useful, as it brings a consistent flow of energy into your life.
Being tranquil allows life to unfold naturally.
Synchronicities and magical events happen frequently when you feel at true peace.
Astrology and Spirituality intertwine to become one.
History and truth are written in the stars. The word Zodiac translates to mean "the path" . Astrology provides the perfect cycle for emotional and spiritual growth, with each astrological season having an effect on our human and spiritual journey. Many Ancient healers were astrologers t
Astrology and Spirituality intertwine to become one.
History and truth are written in the stars. The word Zodiac translates to mean "the path" . Astrology provides the perfect cycle for emotional and spiritual growth, with each astrological season having an effect on our human and spiritual journey. Many Ancient healers were astrologers too, as they understood that the universe is made from patterns in the heaven. If we were to observe the sky for long enough, we would be able to understand the cyclical movements universal truth.
Enlightenment, Moksha, Nirvana, Bliss all really mean the same. Reaching a state of awareness, self realization and calm.
To be fully awake means to have accepted and understood your true nature and purpose. Enlightenment isn't a final destination or a place, its a knowing. Finding the inner light and being true to it, is the pathway towards genuine, suitable happiness.
Living a spiritual life doesn't mean going to yoga or praying everyday, People that walk the spiritual path, tend to have worked on emotional and spiritual growth. Freeing themselves of the past and not worrying about the future. Living in the present moment really is a gift of happiness and joy. There is freedom in laughter.
The simplest way to detach, is to accept everything as it
is. The universe is ever changing, just like our circumstances. Detachment from outcomes, releases stress and fear. Being detached is fearless, and fearlessness leads to unconditional love.
Foods carry their own frequency, naturally sourced foods have a pure energy that boosts the body's health and wellbeing.
Balance is key to eating well, its important to eat what we like, yet at the same time being mindful of the source and respectful to our bodies and animals.
The universe is a paradox, we only know hot because we know cold. We understand darkness because we have light. Everything has its polarity. Bad things happen so the soul can grow. Suffering only lasts as long as the ego allows it. Whilst there is a process to trauma and healing, the heart will naturally want to make peace when the ego
The universe is a paradox, we only know hot because we know cold. We understand darkness because we have light. Everything has its polarity. Bad things happen so the soul can grow. Suffering only lasts as long as the ego allows it. Whilst there is a process to trauma and healing, the heart will naturally want to make peace when the ego is silenced. Acceptance brings clarity and peace to upsetting experiences.
Everything is energy, even a thought. The energy that you personally vibrate at, attracts the events and people into your life. If you want to see a change in your life for the better, raise your personal energy through positivity, health and happiness. Living at a high vibrational energy field is super beneficial for the soul to evolve and manifest a happy life.
Nature is a self healing environment. Spending time in nature has natural positive effect on the body and emotions. Being outdoors increases dopamine, which will make you feel naturally happier. Nature is known to calm the mind and reduce anxiety.